Friday, January 28, 2011

Ozzie Ozzie Ozzie

Oi oi oi

Every Sunday Jillian and I's American family get together to for a good old fashioned Sunday dinner. We chat about our weeks happenings, debate topics, laugh, hang out and celebrate bdays, holidays and so. Which brings to my point on this past Sunday dinner we celebrated Australia day. We did so by having bangers and mash with veggi's and with my sister inlaw Amy baking cookies with Ozzie flag on it. It was such delight.


Thursday, January 20, 2011

Odd Jobs jobs jobs

As most people know when you buy a house the odd job list is long times that by 7 when you add a remodel, times it by another 12 when you have to creatives minds who have an urge to move forward at all times and add a few more for the heck of it.
Well Jillian and I have been more than just chipping away at this odd job list. We have been taking it down like a lumber jack.
We have painted a wall completely in black chalk board paint, put a picture of Fremantle, a black keys poster, an old painting, a cork board that we made out of an old burlap sack, put in a new light fixture and all this was in one weekend or so.

Well much love to all.

Friday, January 14, 2011

My micro mini ramp

It's been a while since my last confession. Cough . Ah I mean post.

Jillian and I had a very Merry Xmas and a very Happy New
Year. We were once again spoilt with many greatly thoughtful gifts. Jillian and I did splurged on each by getting an elliptical (a low impact running machine ) . We are now living the high life with our own work out room.

Over the Xmas holidays Jillian and I both had 10 days off. My work is so great it gives us those days off and Jillian had vacation built up on a use it or lose it by the end of the year type deal. So we had it off together. We our time we got to share a lot of family and friend time while also doing some personal projects.
Since moving into the new house I have been wanting to build a mini ramp and over the Xmas break I got to do just that.
I built it 4 foot wide so we can still fit the car in garage and that size also made materials easier to work with 1 3/4 foot tall because of and length restrictions and roughly 11 foot in length.
Other than a few helping hands from mate Mikey G, Big Poppa (Jillian's dad) and Jillian herself I made it myself.
Here is picture of the finished product.

I think is a long enough post for now.
